You can add an extra layer of security to your Everysk account by turning on two-factor authentication (2FA) in the Settings/Security tab.
The security settings are found on settings -> security in the lower left of your platform:
There are 2 non-excluding ways to setup 2-way verification, namely: a) security key (a physical key) and; b) time-based (from an authentication software):
You can register and activate either one or both 2 factor services.
1. Security Key:
In order to activate this service, you will need a proper key as well as the proper browser (Google Chrome version 40 or newer). We recommend Yubico keys (see figure):
The key combines hardware-based authentication, public key cryptography, and the U2F and FIDO2/WebAuth protocols to eliminate account takeovers.
After you establish that you have the correct browser and you have purchased the key, register the key by pressing "Register New Security Key" and follow the instructions:
Everysk will ask you to insert your key in the USB port. If your computer is running virtual environments, make sure the host computer has control of the USB port.
Your key is now registered. The last step of the process is to enable the service by selecting the toggle to On position:
2. Time-Based Authentication:
The process is similar as above. Press Register New Time-Based Key and the following screen will show:
Install an authentication app on your phone (Google Authenticator for example). Follow the instructions on the screen above (take a picture of the QR code). If your enable toggle is Off, turn it On.
Next time you login to the platform you will be asked a physical key or an authentication code or both.